295. DSC 202- 5:ii- On Saying Please (1)
The essay “On Saying Please” was written by Alfred George Gardiner. He was born on 2 June 1865 in England and died on 3 March 1946 in England. A.G Gardiner was a journalist, news editor, essayist and novelist from England. He has written his works with the pen name “Alpha of the plough”, and has received a lot of praise. He was one of the most popular English essayists of the 20th century. His essays are humour, thought-provoking, and delightful and though it is a challenging subject he dealt with it in a simple and easy manner. Firstly, Gardiner begins with the incident of a lift Man and that incident occurred at a city office. The passenger demands the lift man and refused to politely request to be taken to the top floor then the lift man throws him out of the lift for not saying “Top Please”. Here lift-man used violence. The act of the lift man was wrong because one cannot punish impoliteness with physical violence. This essay deals with socially important problems that we come acro...