65. La Bella Dame Sans Merci (22)

1. Who wrote 'La bella dame sans Merci? '
A:- John Keats wrote 'La Bella dame sans Merci.'

2. Who is being addressed at the beginning of the poem?
A:- At the beginning of the poem, the poem is addressed to the knight-at-arms.

3. Where did the knight meet the lady? 
A:-  The knight met the lady in a meadow.

4. Describe the lady.
A:- The lady in the poem is a very beautiful one. The knight was captivated by her charm and beauty. Her face was like a fairy's child, hair was very long and eyes were attractive and wild. She was nimble - footed and moaned sweetly to show her love too for the knight. She used strange language too to express her love. 

5. What did the Knight make for the lady? 
A:- The knight made garlands for the lady.

6. What did the lady give to the poet?
A:- The fair lady took the knight to her fairy cave where she wept bitterly. She then lulled the knight to sleep.

7. Which season is the poem set in?
A:- The poem is set in the late autumn and the advent of the winter season.

8. What does these words mean- sedge, Haggard, woe-begone, elfin, steed?
A:- Sedge is a type of grass that grows near the water.
Haggard means looking exhausted and unwell.
Woe-begone is expressing deep sorrow, grief or wretchedness.
Elfin is a fairy.
Steed is a horse.

9.What did the lady feed the knight with?
A:- The lady feed the knight with sweet roots, wild honey and delectable food to express her love.

10.Who is being addressed at the beginning of the poem?
A:-The knight-at-arms is being addressed at the beginning of the poem.

11.Where did the knight meet the lady?
A:-The knight met the lady in a meadow.

12. In which year was the poem composed?
A:-The poem was composed in 1819.

13.What words did the lady utter?
A:-The lady uttered in a strange language - "I love thee true".

14. Which season is the poem set in?
A:-The poem is set in the late autumn and the advent of the winter season. 

15. Where did the lady take the knight to?
A:- The lady took the knight to a fairy cave, that is an elfin grot which is a kind of magical space.

16. What did the knight make for the lady?
A:- The knight, in order to express his love, made a garland for the head, bracelets for the arms, and a girdle of flowers for the lady.

17. What did the lady give him in return?
A: In return for the gifts of the knight, the lady gave him relish sweet roots, wild honey, and manna dew i.e. nectar of the gods.

18. Who did the knight see in his dream?
A: In his dream, the knight saw pale-faced kings, princess and warriors who were the victim of the beautiful lady.

19. What was the lady known as?
A: The lady was known as 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' - which means 'the beautiful lady without pity'.

20. What are the signs that show us that the knight is suffering?
A: The poem 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' depicts the pain and suffering of the knight as he was betrayed by the beautiful lady without pity. He is loitering about alone and pale amidst the cold and desolate hillside. His face looks wrinkled with deep pain and internal turmoil. His brow is pale like a lily and is moist and feverish caused by deep mental agony. Moreover, the bloom of radiant cheeks of the knight is faded like a fading rose. Again, it is the late autumn, odd time of the year and the place he visits is not suitable to visit at that time. The sedge has withered away and the birds are also not singing. All these are the signs that clearly show us that the knight is suffering.

21. Give a description of the lady.
A: The lady in the poem 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' is a very beautiful one. The knight met the lady in the meadow was pleasantly captivated by the charm and beauty of the lady. She was extremely beautiful with a face like a fairy's child, her hair was very long and she had attractive and wild eyes. Being nimble-footed, she attracted the knight by her movements. Her alluring long hair, the glance of her passionate eyes, and sweet moan enraptured the knight and eventually, he fell in love with the lady.
  The knight, in order to express his love, made a garland for her head, bracelet for her arms and a girdle of flowers for the lady. The lady was responsive to the knight's approach and her sweet moan reflected her love for the knight. The knight took her on his horseback and spent the whole day in a delightful ride. In response to the gifts of the knight, the lady offered him relish sweet roots, wild honey, and manna dew. She even expressed her love for the knight in a strange language. The fair lady took him to her fairy cave. In the cave, the lady wept bitterly and sight sorely. Being overwhelmed by her expression of love, the knight kissed her wild and beautiful eyes. Then the lady lulled him to sleep. But the lady ultimately betrayed the knight and left him all alone on a cold hillside.

22. Describe the dream of the knight.
A: In his sleep, the knight had a terrible dream. He dreamt of a number of kings, princes, and warriors who were looking pale and wearied. Their lips were dry and seemed to have been starved for a long period of time. They were the earlier victims of the lady who tormented them by her indifference and betrayal. They called the lady 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' - which means 'the beautiful lady without pity' and warned the knight of the lady's apparent love, enslavement, and eventual deception. They further cautioned the knight that he would meet the same miserable fate as them. The startling dream woke the knight up and he found himself lying all alone on a cold hillside.

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