77.(Extra-1)Key Literary Terms(44)

Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in poetry or prose.

Imaginative point of place from the space from where one can see the entire universe.

Amy Lowell preferred American poets of less talent, anthologizing them as imagists, an association that led Ezra Pound to remark that imagism had become Amygism. 

Anatomy Poetry
Robert Herrick used it. "The Anatomy of Dress" was a poem of this kind.

An abruption from the serious and poetic to the regular and silly.
Alexander Pope used introduced it. His "Rape of the Lock" is an example.

Blank Verse
It is also a poem form where iambic pentameter is used. But no particular order is followed. Numerous writers used it. 

Reasoned arrangements and condensations of primary colours and shapes. Presently, its used there in e-portals in univs.

Dorpsromans are city based novels.

Dramatic Monologue
A poetic form where a single character speaks. It is not a soliloquy because it has a listener, an implied listener. Tennyson's Ulysses is an example of dramatic monologue.

A short crisp poem filled with wit for any serious topic.
Alexander Pope used it in his poetry.

A work of art about another work of art in a different medium.
Eg:- 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' by John Keats

They are poems in lamentations.

Epic form comes from classical tradition.
It has grandeur.
2 kinds of epics are-1) Primary or Oral Epics like The Illiad, Beowulf, Gilgamesh, etc and 2) Literary Epics are Virgil's Aeneid and Milton's Paradise Lost. 

A narrative poem which resembles an epic poem, yet notably shorter.

Extropianism is an evolving framework of values and standards for continuously improving the human conditions, extropianism describes a pragmatic consilience, transhuman thought guided by a conscious, pro-active, self-directed approach to human evolution and progress. Extropians were once concisely described as libertarian transhumanists, and some still hold to this standard.

A good way of saying something bad. It was first used by John Lyly, a university wit and dramatist in the 16th century. It is also associated with wit.

A doctrine that absolute certainity about knowledge is impossible ; or at least that all claims to knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken. Unlike scepticism, falliblism does not imply the need to abandon our knowledge - we needn't have logically conclusive justification for what we know. Rather, it is an admission that because empirical knowledge can be revised by further observation, all knowledge, excepting that which is axiomatically true (such as mathematical and logical knowledge) exists in a constant state of flux. It's part of fallibilism. It helps deconstruction. In deconstruction, we interrogate back any knowledge. No knowledge is final.

Intense colours with thick brush strokes with little mixing or shading.
It flourished in between 1898-1908. It's part of modernism too. Henry Matisse advocated it.

Free Verse
There is no order followed in this kind of poem. No meter is followed. Walt Whitman popularized it best.

Freudianism :
Its the beliefs and practice of psychoanalysis as devised by Sigmund Freud, particularly the mechanism of psychological repression, the situation of sexual desire as central to the development of the persona, and the efficacy of the "talking cure" or psychoanalytic technique.

FT Marinetti: the Italian poet FT Marinetti wrote the famous Futurist Manifesto (1909/1912). The emphasis of this literature was vibrant energy as declared by him. Futurist literature would exalt aggressive action, a feverish insomnia, the racer's stride, the mortal leap, the punch and the slap. It was influenced by new theories in technology in the sciences. Futurism sought a more dynamic language and expression. The poetry was characterised by extreme energy and vivid imagery. There is celebration of technology and this often resulted in a glorification of war and violence. The automobile, speed and movement are integral to the futurists in England. Futurism influenced the Vorticist movement.

Horatian Platitude
It is the Horatian art. That art is for instructing was opined by Horace.
Lodovico Castelvetro goes against it and says that Art is just to delight. To him, poet is not inspired by divine madness.

It emphasises FORM above everything else.
It requires the poet to remove oneself from the poem and deliver it as OBJECTIVELY as possible.
The poems should have no ornamentation as per Imagism.
Adjectives & descriptiveness should be avoided.
Words should be accurate & precise.
Poetry should be hard & clear.
INSTANT OF TIME should capture emotions and events.
Des Imagistes (1914), Some Imagists(1915-16-17) are some Imagist anthologists.
POETRY & THE EGOIST  published Imagist poetry.
Ezra Pound, T E Hulme, E A Robinson, Ford Madox Ford, Amy Lowell, HD (Hilda Doolittle), FS Flint

A mode of speech in which the real meaning is just the opposite of that which is literally conveyed.

Lyrical Ballad
It is a form of poem too where a story is depicted. Wordsworth and Coleridge used it.

Unintentional misuse of words for a similar word

Mock Epic
Epic which ridicules the epic is called mock epic. It is very satiric in nature and critical of current times. The subject is intentionally trivial. Rape of the Lock is an example. 

It is a lyrical verse written in praise of someone or something or its written in dedication to someone or something.
Ode is originally derived from the Greek classics. A classical ode is structured in 3 parts:-
Ode has 3 forms:-
Pindaric ode or Perfect Pindaric ode or Public ode(Dryden used it), Horatian ode and Cowleyean or Irregular ode.
1)Pindaric ode.
🔵It's form is taken from Pindar, a poet. He employed 3 parts in his way of ode.
🔵It is exalted in tone and celebrates human accomplishments.
🔵In it, nature is shown both intellectually and emotionally.
🔵It is formal.
🔵It has moderate length.
🔵It has a universal appeal.
2. Horatian ode or Private ode (Keats used it)
🔵 It follows the conventions of Horace, another poet.
It has free structure or it has 2 or 4 lines stanzaic pattern
🔵It is personal and contemplative rather than public.
🔵Nature is shown both intellectually and emotionally.
🔵It has moderate length.
🔵It is too formal in nature.
🔵It has universal appeal too.
3. Cowleyean or Irregular ode
🔵It is developed by Abraham Cowley.
Unlike Pindaric or Horatian odes, it has no formal rhyme scheme. It develops its own rhyme scheme and stanzaic pattern.
🔵It is formal too.
🔵It has moderate length.
🔵It has universal appeal too.

Society for the Study of Poetic Language in Soviet Russia

It is a special form of Antithesis whereby two contradictory qualities are predicted at once of the same thing.
Eg:- I am busy doing nothing.

Pastoral Elegy
The poems are melancholic but the setting is pastoral. Milton's Lycidas is a pastoral Elegy.

Pathetic Fallacy:
Human practice where emotions are attributed or transferred.

Novels that tell us about countryside or villages.

Its the antithesis of Academia. Its inspired by non-Western cultures idealizing them as a content people, stress sophisticated and corrupt. Timing was in between 1893-1933. It's another modernist element. Its ethnographic, expressive force, intuitive emotion, vigour, insanity, reproductive nature, wholeness, truth & simplicity.

It is the art of writing or speaking effectively.

It is the expression when we poke fun.

Boris Echienbaum's concept of skaz is to tell in third person narrative and syntaz of direct speech be used. Technique in narration is stressed by him. Importance of technique in narratology is highly important in present century too.

Poetry is all about song. They are poetic creations. It comes in the form of poem in the works of many writers like Donne, Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, William Blake, Bob Dylan, et.al.

Sonnet is a 14 lined poem. It was introduced in England by Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey.
Italian or Petrarchan sonnet has 8 lines called Octave and 6 lines called Sestet. Rhyme scheme is ABBA, ABBA, CDE or CDC, DCD. It may have many other variations. 
Whereas, English sonnet has 3 quatrains and 1 couplet.

Deliberate mixing of consonant sounds in speech

It is the modern nineteenth century European drama where new or radical themes are used. It is precursor of twentieth century modernist drama. Karl Buchner started it. He is called the father of modern drama. 'Danton's Death' was his first drama.

Verse Epistle
It is a letter like poem. Horace wrote many of them. W. H. Auden's New Year Letter is another example.

Verse Paragraph
It is a poem where a group of lines constitute a section of a poem. It is found in long narrative poems.

5 three lines stanzas poetry or tercets (3 lined poetry) followed by quatrains

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