Model 1 (AltE)Pre-Test HS2nd Yr 2021

A. Answer the following questions in just one line.12×1=12

1. Who wrote 'The Scarecrow?'
2. What was the full name of Mriganko Babu?
3. What tempted the girl to tarry?
4. Who will smite the village girl?
5. What is Jim's full name?
6. What was Jim's gift to Della?
7. How many children listen to the story in "Sita?"
8. Who is the 'poet-anchorite' referred to in "Sita."
9. From which work is "The Testament of a Walker" taken?
10. How many cyclists fell on Narayan's car?
11. Who was Ozymandias?
12. Is 'Ozymandias' a sonnet?

B. Answer the following questions very briefly. 16x2=32
1.  What is an automobile to Narayan?
2. What name does Narayan propose for his ambitious work?
3. What kind of shirt was the scarecrow wearing?
4. Whose voice did Mriganko Babu recognize in the voice of the scarecrow?
5. How was the condition of the statue of Ozymandias?
6. What does the poet mean by 'Two vast and trunkless legs of stone?'
7. Why will the speaker's brother murmer in 'Village Song?'
8. With what are the shadows of the evening compared?
9. Where did the Knight meet the lady?
10. What did the Knight make for the lady?
11. Who were the Magi?
12. How much money had Della managed to save for Jim's present?
13. Who were the three children who listened to the story in 'Sita?'
14. Why were the children weeping in 'Sita?'
15. What occupation did the verger take up after resigning from the church?
16. What did the verger do with his old gown?

C. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words. 9x4=36
1. Why was Narayan indifferent at the mention of any petrol 'hike'?
2. What was the scene on the eastern side of the road where Mriganko Babu stood waiting for Sudheer?
3. What was inscribed on the statue of Ozymandias and what did it convey?
4. What and why so will be the mother's reaction in 'Village Song'?
5. What does "wrinkled lip and sneer of cold demand" mean?
6. How and why is the story of Jim and Della a moral lesson?
7. How was the dwelling of the 'poet-anchorite'?
8. What is the impression that the verger have about the new vicar?
9. What was the talent of the new vicar?

D. Answer the following questions elaborately. 4x5=20
1. Describe the scarecrow.
2. Describe how the spirit of Indian folklore is represented in 'Village Song'.
3. What were the features of pre-Independence Indian poetry as found in 'Sita'?
4. Describe the significance of the title 'The gift of the Magi'.

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