72. Tag Questions (108) TDC1st/AltEHS2ndYr/AEC101

🔵Tag Questions are confirmations.
🔵Auxiliary verb & pronouns are required
🔵In absence of auxiliary verb, DO verb is used checking the tense.
🔵With nouns, tag is not possible.
🔵If sentence is positive, tag has to be negative & vice versa.
🔵Apostrophe s can be he's or her's or has depending on the structure of the sentence.
🔵Contracted forms has to be used in tag
🔵Nobody, Neither, None, Nothing, Never, Little, Hardly, Rarely, Few, Scarely, Seldom, are considered negative words.
🔵Let's means doing it in 'near future.' So, with it (Shall) is used. Imperative sentences start with Let. Imperative sentences have no main verb.
🔵With positive or negative imperative sentences, 'Will' verb is used
🔵In 3rd person singular number in sentence, DO verb is used (No. 61)
🔵If had is used as main verb, then Do, Does, Did verb is used in tag (No. 62)
🔵 If there's us used with let, then shall we be the tag. (70)
🔵If there's them, me, them, him, her used with Let, then WIll YOU can be the tag(71-73)
🔵A few, a little are positive (86,87)
🔵Only adverb can be positive or negative. (88,89)
🔵With used to, did tag is used. (90, 91)
🔵In imperative sentence, if its simple request, positive or negative then will is used in tag (92,93)
🔵In invitation or suggestion, won't you or will you is tagged (94)
🔵In warnings, won't you is tagged (95,96)
🔵For abuses or insults, can't you is tagged. (99)
🔵With plural subjects, they is used (100,101)
1. Add a question tag, won't you?
2. There will be a meeting tomorrow, won't there?
3. We had not been given any opportunity, had we?
4. The artist knows the way within, doesn't he?
5. Everyone joined the mission, didn't they?
6. The patient can hardly take any solid food, can he?
7. Neither of them approached the Principal, did they?
8. She speaks English fluently, doesn't she?
9. You weren't listening, were you?
10. The girl can play the duff, can't she?
11. She won't mind if I use her laptop, will she?
12. No salt is allowed, is it?
13. She is coming tomorrow, isn't she?
14. You can swim, can't you?
15. Everyone warned you, didn't they?
16. Neither of them complained, did they?
17. They couldn't understand her, could they?
18. You found your passport, didn't you?
19. She won't mind if I use her phone, will she?
20. Ayesha would like to get a scholarship, won't she?
21. You have got a camera, haven't you?
22. I don't think anyone will volunteer, will they?
23. You weren't listening, were you?
24. Ayesha knows that her father is in the hospital, doesn't she?
25. Ali can cope with the situation, can't he?
26. None of the food was wasted, was it?
27. Let's go for a walk, shall we?
28. Few people knew the answer, did they?
29. It's not very warm today, is it?
30. I am right, aren't I?
31. Let's go, shall we?
32. It is quite late, isn't it?
33. They enjoyed themselves, didn't they?
34. She has come from Sonai, hasn't she?
35. She will come for dinner, won't she?
36. She travels a lot, doesn't she?
37. She's still sleeping, isn't she?
38. You do go to college, don't you?(Do verb)
39. We won't be late, will we?
40. Nobody called, did they? (No auxiliary or pronoun is used. So, Do is used. Did is the past tense of do)
41. We must lock the door, mustn't we?
42. Let's watch a documentary, shall we?
43. Everyone came to the wedding, didn't they? (No auxiliary verb, so Do verb is used)
44. Nothing can stop us now, can it?
45. She needs little money, does she?
46. She's got a cat, hasn't she?
47. I'd like to go home, wouldn't I?
48. Do as I say, won't you? ('will you' is tagged with imperative positive or negative sentence)
49. Do not do as I say,  Will you? 
50. Bring me a glass of water,  Will you?
51. It is very cold today,  isn't it?
52. I am proud of you, aren't I.
53. You are a girl, arent you?
54. She bought a car, didn't she?
55. She loves mango, doesn't she?
56. You aren't a doctor, are you?
58. Nobody asked for me, did they?
59. None of the trains arrived on time, did they?
60. You have never liked me, have you?
61. You have a house, don't you?
62. She had a great time, hadn't she?
63. Give water, won't you?
64. Don't say nonsense, will you?
65. Let's eat well today, shall we?
66. Let us play, shall we?
67. Someone has come, haven't they? ( has is used with plural)
68. Dont run in the sun, will you?
69. Somebody is at door, aren't they?
70. Let us make a start, shall we?
71. Let them play, will you?
72. Let me have it, will you?
73. Let them swim, will you?
74. Give an example please, will you?
75. Sit down, will you?
76. Stand still, will you?
77. Let's go to the iftar, shall we?
78. Nobody called me yesterday, did they?
79. Ali never drinks tea, does he?
80. Halima has never been to Paris, has she?
81. My friend seldom has an argument, does she?
81. None of the food was wasted, was it?
82. We saw no one in the room, did we?
83. Little progress has been made, has it?
84. We can hardly believe it, can we?
85. Few men respect women, do they?
86. A few men respect women, don't they?
87. A little encouragement can help him, can't it?
88. There were only five women present, were they?
89. There were only five students present, weren't they?
90. We used to play duff, didn't we?
91. She used to be a good writer, didn't she?
92. Pass the book, will you?
93. Don't be late for dinner, will you?
94. Have another cup of tea, won't you?
95. Be careful when you cross the road, won't you?
96. Remember to close the door, won't you?
97. Let's go to the museum, shall we?
98. Let us postpone the meeting, shall we?
99. Use your common sense, can't you?
100. The girls are not cheerful, are they?
101. Some mangoes are sweet, aren't they?

HS 1st year AltE 2022/PYQ

102. She is a good girl, isn't she?
103. Don't forget, will you?
104. Move a bit, won't you?
105. Let's go for a walk, shall we?
106. Raju was not in the class, is he?
107. You've cleaned your bicycle, haven't you?
108. They're going home from school, aren't they?

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