(Extra-11)Quizzing English Lit-4(350)

301. Macaulay's Minutes of 1835 promoted European literature and science among the natives and stop expenditure on the publication of oriental works and spend funds only on English education.

302. Wood's Despatch emphasized on women's education.

303. In 1823 Lord Amherst was written a letter by Raja Rammohan Roy.

304. Lord Cornwallis asked to make everything as English as possible in India.

305. John Dryden's Essay on Dramatic Poesie was published in 1668.
Crites criticizes ancients' poor presentation of love.
Lisidus favours French drama over English drama.
Eugenies points out the discrepancies in the applications of the Unities by the Greek classics.
Neander defends English invention of tragi-comedy.

306. The Biographia Literaria by S. T. Coleridge was published in 1817. There are 2 types of Imagination mentioned in the book.

307. Esemplastic power of the Imagination is associated with S. T. Coleridge. He was also the first to introduce psychology and philosophy into literary criticism.

308. Lyrical Ballads of 1800 has a preface by William Wordsworth.

309. As per Aristotle's Critical Position- the best artistic texts will be both unified and complex. Every part of the work will be essential to it & linked to every other part.

310. Horace and Philip Sidney believed that rhyme is not an essential part of poetry.

311. The Sadler Commission was set up in 1917-19 to look into the matters of Calcutta Univ.

312. World's first institutionalized home of cultural studies was Birmingham.

313. Journal Topia is dedicated to Cultural Studies.

314. Ziauddin Sarder coined the term Post-Normal times.

315. Introducing Cultural Studies argues that Cultural Studies are facing institutionalization.

316. Cultural Capital and Habitas concepts were developed by Pierre Bourdieu.

317. Stuart Hall describes language which operates within frameworks of Power, institutions, politics and economics.

318. Raymond Williams wrote Culture and Society.

319. 1st American bestseller in the 17th century was The Day of Doom.

320. Pico della Mirandelo's Free Will flourished in the early part of American literature. & the Puritan belief from the Calvinistic thought that determinism exists, that everything is predetermined or predestined.

321. Michel Foucault says that Power creates Knowledge.

322. Mathew Arnold mourns the loss of Christian faith in Dover Beach.

323. As per Wordsworth - the Key ingredients of Creativity lies with a vital soul, elementary knowledge of things & skill to observe natural phenomenon.

324. Robert Southey's epic poem of 1810, The Curse of Kehama deals with Hindu mythology.

325. Thomas Hardy's 1912's poemThe Convergence of Twain is about the sinking of Titanic.

326. In 1751's poem Elegy Written in Country Churchyard Thomas Gray employed John Locke's philosophy.

327. In Elizabeth Barrett Browning's epic poem Aurora Leigh's the second victimized heroine Marian Erle.

328. Ulysses is a poem in blank verse by Robert Browning written in 1833 & published in 1842.

329. The Masque of Anarchy is a political poem by P. B. Shelley.

330. Charmides is Oscar Wilde's longest poem.

331. The Seige of Corinth by Lord Byron is inspired by Ottoman empire.

332. Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market shows woman's hair as symbol of purity & health. 

333. Henry Fielding says that he describes 'not men but manners;not an individual, but a species'.

334. In the last Canto of Homer's Illiad Priam convinced Achiles to give away the dead body for a ransom. Hector kills Patrocles & does not honour the dead body too. Ransom episode takes in between chapters 22 to 24.

335. The 3 crucial words used by Stephen for a writer's survival in Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are silence, exile and cunning. "I will tell you what I will do and what I will not do. ... silence, exile and cunning."

336. Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance book deals with the Indian emergency. He has been shortlisted for Booker.

337. Tales from the Firozshah Baag by Rohinton Mistry is about the Parsi community of Bombay.

338. Virginia Woolf characterised the literary style of William Hazlitt, the English writer as Loving and Taking the Liberties of a Lover.  She became popular more for her non fictional writing.

339. Intertextuality was coined by Derrida.

340. Stephen Godson wrote School of Abuse.

341. The original work of Ars Poetica is in Latin.

342. The title of Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd is borrowed from Gray's Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. 

343. According to Verner's law, linguistic process, the voiceless fricatives become voiced fricatives in the Proto Germanic languages if they followed an unstressed syllable.

344. The great vowel shift occurred in the English language during the period in between 1350 to 1650.

345. Faiz Ahmed Faiz belonged to Pakistan.

346. All my Sons was published in 1947 by Arthur Miller.

347. Amlit means American Literature.

348. According to the SQ3R model of studying a text the 3R stands for Read, Recall, Review.

349. The Indianizatiom of English is written by Braj Kachru.

350. A reading of a literary work that is determined by its effect or emotional impact on the reader has been termed as Affective Fallacy.

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