Theory-2 Marxism

To George Lukacs, artist should always portray the context. Then only the audience or readers can see the history.
It can be argued that Lukacs anticipated some of the Soviet doctrines.
He inaugurated a distinctively Hegelian style of Marxist thought, treating literary works as reflections of an unfolding system.
A realist work must reveal the underlying pattern contradictions in a social order.
His view is Marxist in its insistence on the material and historical nature of the structure of society.
Rejecting the naturalism of the then recent European novel,bhe returns to the old realist view that the novel Reflects Reality not by rendering it's mere surface appearance but by giving us a Truer more complete more vivid and more dynamic reflection of reality.

There was actually a fight between Lukacs school of thought & Brechtian school of thought.

To Brecht there was the alienation of fact. It was like going back to the Russian Formalists. The latter were talking about defamiliarization. This defamiliarization of Russian politics was actually similar to the Brechtian idea of alienation. 

Marxist tradition borrowed from Hegel the dialectical view of history. Hegelian idea is dialectical history of idea. Development in history is not random or chaotic nor is it a straightforward linear progression but rather a dialectical development.

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