Model 6 (GE) HS 1stYr Test 2022

HS First Year Test Exam
     MC Das College,Sonai
           Full Marks-50
           Pass Marks-15
            Time-2 hrs

A. Answer the following in just one line (8x1=8)

1. Who wrote 'The Portrait of a Lady'?
2. Name the two nieces of the poet's mother in 'A Photograph.
3. For how long did Elwin stay in Assam?
4. What is the meaning of 'cease' in 'Childhood'?
5. Which game sanctuaries are mentioned in 'My Impressions of Assam'?
6. Which is the world's most dangerous animal displayed in Lusaka zoo?
7. What is the language spoken in Flanders?
8. What is the animal that chased the writer during his visit to East Africa?

B. Answer the following in 30-40 words. 8x4=32
1. What is 'paddling' and 'transient'?
2. What is prodigal son in 'Father to Son'?
3. What is Sola topi?
4. Why does the poet mention the age of eleven in 'Childhood'?
5. Why were game sanctuaries of Kenya different than the one of Kaziranga?
6. How are the earth's principal biological systems being depleted?
7. Explain the concept of Shansui.
8. How did the people realise that Ranga was the same man as he had been six months ago?

Insert the appropriate determiners 5x1=5
1. It is ___ land. (there/their)
2. She needs ___ MRI.(a/an)
3. ___ eggs make a good cake. (Four/Fourth)
4. ___ patience can bring great results. (A little/Little)
5. Give me ___(any/some) sugar.

Insert appropriate modal auxiliaries. 5x1=5
1. I __ run two miles each morning. (can/may)
2. You __(can/would) remain clean.
3. I __ (might/dare)go to college tomorrow.
4. Do you think it __(need/will) benefit us?
5. My dadi __ (should/could) read this prayer easily even in her old age.

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