58. The Many and the None (15)

1. Give the summary.
A:- It is good to have a variety of species because people often say that variety is the spice of life. We cannot eat the same dish every day. It would be boring if each day were like the other. Biological diversity is the diversity and variability of life on Earth. There are a variety of fruits, animals, vegetation, wood and even there are a variety of colours. There are various species of plants and animals or any other life. For the survival of life on earth, the existence of a variety of species is important. Bio-diversity loss is disastrous. Biological diversity is related to our lives and identities. For our survival, there should be every kind of tree in the forests. We need fodder, fuelwood, moisture for the soil. We also need fruit trees and wood supplying trees for buildings and so on.
     The author says that there are different species of animals and some animals in our forest have the capacity to attract and inspire enthusiasm to the human mind. They are frightful and arouse excitement in man's mind. At the same time, they are endowed with graceful beauty and grandeur. These animals are one used as ‘flagship' species for conservation programs. Though it concerns all of us, bio-diversity is most directly related to the everyday lives of India's ecosystem people: It is important to note here that the presence of just any species functioning as a resource is not adequate. lt is the diversity of species, of animals and plants, and even micro-organisms, that are valuable to rural communities.
     According to the authors, the future of India's agriculture does not lie in high biotechnology being promoted by agricultural Scientists. But it is biologically diverse farming systems that are the future of India's agriculture. No doubt agricultural scientists and corporations are trying to make agricultural production increase and thereby have progress. A bit of progress in this sector has also peeped up. But our age-old knowledge regarding the use of turmeric, neem, and many other elements of biodiversity has been patented in the obvious hope of making it the exclusive domain and monopoly of corporate interest. The progress we have achieved has an adverse effect on the lives of people living in and dependent on bio-diverse areas. The benefits of the country cannot be at the cost of the sustenance of the majority of people of the country. We must have a balance between economic development and conservation of bio-diverse life.

2. What is biodiversity?
A:- Bio-diversity refers to
(a) Varieties of plant life on earth
(b) Variety and variability of animal life on earth.
(c) Variety and variability of plant, animal, and human life on earth.
Ans: (c) Variety and variability of plant, animal, and human life on earth.

3. Do you think it is good to have a variety of species? Give reasons.
A: Definitely it is good to have a variety of species on earth. Because all the plants, animals, and human life on earth survive depending upon one another. At the Same time among plants, animals there are different species which are very very important. Similarly, we eat varieties of food also. We cannot eat the same dish every day. In our meal one item is not sufficient. Various items constitute the meal. Variety among the flowers in a garden will not only make a beautiful garden but also attractive.
     Biological diversity is related to our lives and identities. For our survival, there should be every kind of tree in the forests. We need fodder, fuel, wood, moisture for the soil. We also need fruit trees and wood supplying trees for building. It is true that when all the eagles and fish are gone and the waters are killed by pollution only then will we realize that money can not be eaten.
     Thus we can say that it is not only for beautification but for the sake the survival of life system on earth also it is good to have a variety of spices.

4. Biological diversity can be seen in the following areas. Tick the correct options.
(i) in the genes of the various living creatures
(ii) in the different types of wood and mangoes 
(iii) in the variety of colors made from vegetable dyes
(iv) in the uniforms, we wear to schools
(v) in the animals found around us
(vi) in the ecosystems that exist in the different parts of the world
(vii) in the cars, we drive
(viii) in the gadgets, we use at home
Ans: (i),(ii),(iii),(v),(vi).

5. Certain animals have been described as being charismatic. What does this mean?
A: There are some animals in the forest that have the capacity to attract and inspire the human mind. They are frightful and arouse excitement in people's minds. At the same time, they are endowed with graceful beauty and grandeur such wonderful and in some cases rare animals are charismatic. They are attractive and a view of such animals creates a pleasing view. Some are very dangerous yet very much graceful on the other hand. Special care has been taken to preserve those species.

6. They are used as flagship species for conservation programs.' Who does ‘they' refer to? What is meant by ‘flagship’? What does this statement mean?
A: In the above sentence they refer to the tiger and the rhino and the elephant who is regarded as charismatic.
     Flagship means the most important product of an organization. Here in this prose-piece flagship species conveys the meaning that those species are the distinctive symbol which should be conserved.
     The above statement means that those charismatic animals are the distinctive symbols of our country and they must be treated well so that they should not go extinct and they should be preserved well.

7. What do the writers mean when they say that vegetables are being doctored? Is it good to do so? Give reasons for your answer.
A:- In this prose-piece author had mentioned the various systems applied to vegetables. Nowadays various processes are applied to make them look good and also to grow fastest with the help of various kinds of manures, pesticides, insecticides, etc. The process of applying medicines for the above-mentioned purpose has been mentioned as 'being doctored’ by the writers.
     Initially, we thought it to be good but after getting its adverse effect now we feel that it is never good to do so.
     It is because as a result of such treatment vegetables are losing their distinctive tastes. They have lost their natural variation and their genetic diversity is quietened. As a result, we are unable to get the natural and real tastes of the vegetables.

8. Do you think the writers’ comparison of the ship losing nuts to the loss of bio-diversity is apt? Why do they make this comparison?
A: The writers’ comparison of the ship losing nuts to the loss of bio-diversity is doubtlessly apt. Because the ship that is losing one nut at a time and gradually going to sink and the same is the case of losing biodiversity. We are losing the species and genes that keep the earth ‘afloat' stepwise. The line of decline is increasing. If we are unable to check this line the earth will also sink. Already signs of this alarming condition are manifested by a series of global changes in climate, hydrological patterns, and other ecological functions that we all survive on. And by the collapse of global fisheries, the desertification of tens of millions of hectares of one productive land, the loss of soil nutrition, and so on.
     Both the scenes are like wisely the same and the comparison has perfectly matched.

9. The reason for the loss of bio-diversity is: (Tick the right option)
(i) the arrogance of the humans who believe that all the resources of the world are only meant for their Sole use and consumption.
(ii) the global changes taking place due to natural causes
(iii) the lack of balance between progress and conservation.
A: (iii)the lack of balance between progress and conservation.
10. How is the loss of bio-diversity linked to the survival of the common people of that area?
A: People depend on biodiversity in their daily lives. Human health ultimately depends upon ecosystem products and services (such as availability of fresh water, food, and fuel sources) which are requisite for good human health and productive livelihoods. Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, income, local migration, and, on occasion, may even cause political conflict.

10. What is bio-piracy? How does it affect a country?
A: Bio-piracy means illegal use of copyright of the biological diverse items of our plants. Agricultural scientists and corporations are applying high-tech biotechnology in the field of agriculture. By doing so they are making face bio-piracy and the result is that our age-old knowledge regarding turmeric, neem, and many other elements of biodiversity have been patented in order to make it the exclusive domain of corporate interest. Hence bio-piracy has an adverse effect on the lives of people living in and dependent on bio-diverse areas and in turn affecting the country as a whole. It is surely harmful to the country.

11. What is the message in the statement made by the Native American Chief, Seattle?
A: The Native American Chief, Seattle said that all the eagles and fish are gone and the waters killed by pollution, only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten. He conveys this message which implies that the people of this world will realize only that day when there will be nothing with us except money because money is not everything. We cannot survive with money. For our survival, we need all the resources of this earth. But when all these will be ended, then the survival of human beings will be also impossible.

12. What is the essence of biodiversity?
A: The essence of biodiversity, means biological diversity is the variety and variability of life on earth. Genetically living beings are distinctive and their distinctiveness is the result of variety and we have various living beings and plants with their variability.

13. How are we going to lose the fiber of this planet that makes life possible?
A: According to the authors due to the loss of biodiversity we are slowly but surely losing the species and genes that keep the earth intact. If it is not checked, global warming will not go down, changes in hydrological patterns will harm us and also their ecological function will adversely change.
     This way we are going to lose the fiber of the planet that makes life possible.

14. How would we check the loss of biodiversity?
A: Due to loss of biodiversity adversely affected the earth and the ecology. So it should be checked. And it can be done if the enlightened public raises their concern with greater awareness.

15. Why should there be a balance between economic development and conservation of bio-diverse life?
A: There should be a balance between economic development and conservation of bio-diverse life because economic development cannot be aimed at the cost of sustenance of the majority of people. If we don't conserve our bio-diverse life, a day will come when there will nothing be left for our survival.

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