158. DSC 102 Drama of Ideas

"Drama of Ideas", pioneered in English by George Bernard Shaw, is a type of discussion play in which the clash of ideas and hostile ideologies reveals the most acute social and personal problems. Twentieth century saw the emergence of this newer form of drama. London was becoming popular and populated and the increasing middle class Englishmen made this new genre of drama their new economic tool to be spent upon. This new audience and the new genre rather found themselves intersecting in rebellious themes.

Established by Henrik Ibsen, it was at the hands of Arthur Wing Pinero, Sir Arthur Jones and George Bernard Shaw in England, it became one of the most popular genre in English literature. John Galsworthy and Granville Barker are other noted practitioners of this genre.

In  "Drama of Ideas" there is a little action but discussion is more prevalent. Characters are only the vehicles of ideas. The conflict which is the essence of drama is reached through the opposing ideas of different characters. The aim of Drama of Ideas is to educate people through entertainment.

"A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen is a landmark in this genre. It echoes women's rights. Nora is the protagonist of this drama. She walks out of her husband's house defying the canons of bourgeois society. She shows that she is not a machine and her own choice also matters. Ibsen is seen as champion of feminism in this piece of drama.
"Arms and the Man" by G. B. Shaw is another excellent example of the Drama of Ideas where Shaw punctures the glories of war. Bluntchilli is the protagonist in this piece where war is shown as not being part of any dream. Shaw wanted to cast his own views or ideas through discussions. His such plays were also exclusively called Shavian Plays. The philosophy of 'life force' is projected in his dramas.

These plays challenge the conventional dramas and aim at presenting the realism and real people. In projecting the 'life force' Shaw wants to show that human beings can evolve for the better, more energised and higher levels of self-development.

Drama of Ideas are also called the Drama of Social Criticism. Discussion is the main action that takes place in the drama. It is also called "thesis drama" or "theme drama. "Characters are the only vehicles of ideas. The conflict that arises in the drama is reflected or resolved through these characters only. The conflicts and ideas are very important. These plots are built up with dynamic and unconventional ideas regarding war and love. Shaw criticizes the romantic notion of war and love prevailing in the contemporary society.

We can sum up some of the features of Drama of Ideas in the following ways:-
1) Discussion is the main action in these types of dramas.
2) Discussion of the projected Problems take place in the drama. So, Drama of Ideas may also be closer to the genre called Problem Plays best practiced by John Galsworthy. However, Action play some valuable role in Problem plays. John Galsworthy shows the social problems of English society through his 'Problem Plays'. Whereas, argument and speech are the crucial aspects in Drama of Ideas. There is lack of action in the purer form of Drama of Ideas.
3) The objective of the dramas are to deliver intellectual understanding or intellectual satisfaction to the audience or readers.
4) The Middle class is the chattering class and is main target-audience of this genre practitioners. The middle class morality in the name of duty is brought to question.
5) Some recurrent themes in Drama of Ideas are man-woman relationships and role of woman in the man-woman relationship or in the society.
6) Conscience-checking is another parallel objective.
7) Old, established norms of society are challenged in Drama of Ideas. They do social criticizing of the society.
8) Structure and Characterization are of lesser importance.

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